Halleluah. This Year In Musings.

Posted by Vinyl Boy (Whistling@tmbg.org) on Wednesday, 5 January 2000, at 11:21 p.m.

It seemed like, oh, about five years ago when I started doing This Week In Musings. It started innocently enough, with a reply to Crazy to tell her what had happened in the past week. Over the past year, TWIM has developed into a Musings staple. But if we look back, to the very beginning of 1999, this year in musings started like this...


""It's a buttload of a New Year!" Brandon Deadmonkey

"There was a live audience, and the set was made to be a boiler room in this guys apartment complex. So there were kids hanging all over the place from pipes and shit. "- TMBGeorge talking about Steampipe Alley.

"Thanks to Air Canada (motto: "Where all the stewardesses look like Dave Foley in drag"), I got the pleasure of watching "Bud du Vent", or whatever "Air Bud" is in Quebecois french. Essentially, lots of "Mais il est un chien!" "Il n'est rien des regulations qui dissent qu'un chien ne peut pas jouer de basket!" "Ouef, ouef!" - The Fat Man

"John Linnell is the only man who understands me!" Ray LeBlanc

"oh my gawd, i just got a manicure yuck i swear the sun is frizzing up my hair! can you believe what she had the nerve to wear?! no i don't but truthfully i just don't care!!! her lights are on but no one is at home up there. and did you hear 'bout why and who and what and where come on, whatever that is simply just not fair but did i tell you how i got a manicure? " Michelle LeBlanc on 'Uber-Femme Day.'

"I was just doing some manly things when I injured myself. I was doing some hammering when the gun I was using to hunt huge deer accidentally went off. The sound scared me so much that I dropped the Bud Light I was drinking and hit my thumb with the hammer. Then the tape deck in my Chevy extended-cab truck started eating my Ted Nugent tape. I got so mad that I punched the tape deck and broke my hand. But I didn't do the sissy thing and cry. I went in the house and told my woman to get me a beer and cook me some really greasy meat of some kind. Then I sat in the recliner and watched professional wrestling and fell asleep. When the b*tch woke me up and told me dinner was ready, I had to beat her because I was sleeping so good. " The Bored Guy on 'Testosterone Day.'

"Preferable Papaya Colada... I mean, vodka, yeah! And blood! My favorite thing to drink is a big bottle of POISON! Yeah, that'll show you! God, I'm such a manly man! " Me on 'Testosterone Day.'

"Sara, that's like making fun of God! Leo'll smite you! He'll smite all of us! Run! Run for your lives! " Doug2000


"Sadly, my real life drunken rantings all involved Clea DuVall as well. Basically it was 'What?!? You don't think she's hot?!? You fucker! You're crazy! Bring iton!'" Mike Remiker

"Have you ever heard christian rock? Hit demo on any Casio key board and you will. " HLC

"To all the pop-tarts I have been eating.... I'm not done yet " The Bored Guy

"ZI am so hunfry! For tacos right now!" Mike Remiker

"HElllo! JHi all musers! Iyt's time ot talk? Is it? I am bored and I want to rtalkto someone!" Mike Remiker. That's the most drunken typing I've ever seen.

"I wanna blow up the guest! I WANNA BLOW UP THE GUEST!" Bill Cosby

"People go up to me and go, "yo whats up" and I honestly don't know what to say anymore. " Nice Geoff. It's either a social commentary or a really sad life.


"My parents MADE me drink some kind of really bad tasting beer on christmas eve to get me to fall asleep. " The Nice Geoff

"How come I am in the group of made-up people?" The Nice Geoff

"Did he tell a lot of poop jokes?" Bored Guy

"FNOE-97.3 FM "Because you understand ROCK!" Bored Guy ("FNOE" being a Drunk Remiker word)

"I love eating the still-beating heart of a virgin!" Nick Christianson

I have the results of my February exams, and I havenīt passed anyone!!! ...Does anyone know what can I do??? (Donīt worry, I am not going to suicide)" Borja Ferrer. I love that guy!

"So we went on It's a SMall world right before the park was about to close, we were the only two people on the whole ride, empty boats ahead, empty bots behind. ANd you know what? You have to be *insane* to get busy on It's a Small World." Ken

"Half the time he doesn't even know where he is. Here, watch. Me: 'Okay VB, where are you?' VB: 'Uh, donut?'" Chris Lough

"It looks like candy... I wonder if it tastes like candy...." Willie Nelson

"Chris Lough, Brandon Cooksey, Deb Levison, Laura Damborsa, Michael Guppenger, Brad Anders, Nice Geoff, TMB George, Rob Dietz, Ken Moodie, Shana "Sarah Smith" Carter, Rob Plass, Arabi from the David Bowie message board, Ken Drinkwater, Ryan Hennssey, Leo Bicknell, Nick Christianson, Megan Kempeneer, and even more!!!!!!! EVEN MORE!!!!" Mike's drunken "Names?" post

"DIE MEXICANS DIE!"Nick's friend Jeff

"Please pardon my absence. I am in heaven now with John-Benet Ramsey... Be back in one week." Nick Christianson

"I explode with anticipation! I want to listen to your answering machine like so many trumpets! Nick says you get my message, no? You must tell me if it is good enough!" Roberto Benigni

"Michael-o! Do not take it away yet! It download slow like turtle stuck in mud! It drudges on toward my computer! I want to scream and make it turn into eagle that can fly into my modem with swiftness!" Roberto Bengini

If Roberto Benigni was made of chocolate and peanut butter: "I'm so happy I make you happy! I like love! My chocolate is like burning charcoal in me and my peanut buetter feels like turning all into Jell-o! I wish you all to lick me where my chocolate is drippy!"

"I am drowning in your enormous bathtub of devotion! I feel so love from you!" Skippy


"You are such a breast contour, Deset Gled" The Nice Geoff

Rabid Child asked "So, what did we think of 'Futurama'?" to which the Nice Geoff replied "I think some of us with a little bit more class were watching Wrestlmania 15."

"I can make a John Nicholas statue made of order of large McDonalds fries, and the best part is that you can actually tell what it is!" -Nick Christianson

"After about 15 minutes, I really felt the need to pee. I believe that the floor which we were on was an all girls floor, so I had to walk up a flight of stairs to find a bathroom. I got lost in the process, though. So I found the closest room which was empty so that I could pee on the wall. I finished peeing when I heard some people walking down the hall, though." -Nick Christianson

"2eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" The Nice Geoff

"ok, who do you think is cuter? Justin fromn nsync, or Hal from TMBG? My personal favorite is Justin... he's soooo dreamy. but Hal is sooo sexy, i want to love him, and kiss him, and squeese him until he goes wacky with so mutch squeezing." Jeff Niedwzediejoko

"Has he been to the rape camp? I made a purse there." DougShow

"...so, I was tooling around in the DeLorean, waiting for Doc to show up, when that stupid-ass monkey spilled his Slurpee all over the time-changing whatchamacallit, and I've been catapulted 1000 years into the future ... TV has been outlawed these days, so only outlaws own TVs, and the waiting list to become an outlaw is staggeringly long." Doug3000

"Odd! At my school, which is about 20 miles from New BERlin, everyone calls it New BerLIN, and they think it's odd when the three kids from New BERlin call it New BERlin, but then again, I have herpes." Nick Christianson

"I'm not ready for love making yet, but I will be someday." Faelan Peregrin Aragorn

"i was at a campfire with a bunch of my semi-friends and they were all singing simon and garfunkle and i was thinking "tmbg, please some tmbg" (actually i was thinking "oh my god my pants are on fire!!!) but the tmbg part was there too)" Michelle LeBlanc

"I said "you've got a message on the machine," so he went over and hit play and it goes "Now gather round, I'm the new fool in town..." He was like "what the hell is this?"I said "Uh... my friend doesn't like to talk on machines so he leaves rap songs instead."" Mike Remiker on AIM

"The new quarters slowly trickle in......... Hmm....... I got my first one. Delaware. ... I wonder if Minnesota's will have Jesse "the body" Ventura getting a hole blown through his sternum by the Predator... now THAT's a quarter.." TMBGeorge

"Didst thou climb the holy mount and, yea, have parley with the LEO?

The LEO is mighty and holds the Board in His hands as though 'twer but a bauble. All who muse and tread the Board live in fear of His ire, and twice in days of yore He looked upon the Board and saw that it was smutty and, yea, verily He purged it and told the sons of musers 'Thou shalt post by the sweat of your passwords, for this behavior will not be allowed to continue. So say I the LEO and thou shalt obey, for I am mighty and full of wroth.'

Didst thou, Vinyl Boy son of Vinyl Man, ascend Mount Org and look upon the face of the LEO? Did He email to thee as a pillar of flame in the night? And didst thou sign in letters writ in flame a contract with the LEO that now thou'st the temerity to shun and say: 'I fear not the LEO though he be muckle and mighty, and His contracts are as chaff in the wind to me'?

Woe betide thee! There is no happiness save in humble obedience to the LEO the Great Measurer and Judge of the Wicked! Heed His words! Post not smut! Praise to LEO! As at terminal, so at server, Board without end... " The Fat Man

"'I've watched [Mike] over Seinfeld,' says 15-year-old Amber Erceg, 'because I just find his show more entertaining. I like Jason's show, too, because it makes me laugh, but that saddens me because I don't think it's supposed to be funny.'

While Jason says Cable TV fame makes it easier for him to talk to girls, Mike claims to be dateless." From a Wisconsin newspaper


"Drink me, bitches" Kool-Aid Man

"I accidentally swallowed one of my teeth with a handful of Red Hots." Mike Remiker

"I know a bad wrestling name. (whispers) Mr Ass. Don't tell anyone I said that. I'll pound you. I know all the wrestling moves." Craig, age 7

"There was a piece of newspaper on my floor this morning that had a headline that said "Board Approves $7.5 Million Building Contract", or something like that, and, in my early morning haze, I honestly thought that it said "Brad Anders Wins $7.5 Million, Builds Crazily". Seth Christenfeld

"Dan Rather has been lauded as a songwriter of the finest funk songs about trains since Gene Autry. It simply kicks ass. I think you should buy it. He takes his funk to new levels on "Flesh Tunnel," "Funky-Ass Train Conducta," and the slow love ballad, "Goddamn, Flesh Tunnel (Master Mix)." Jenny Clow, CMJ New Music Report

"I have an extensive collection of porn featuring hot young dead animal robots in mayonaise!" Doug3000

"'This investigation will continue into the fall when we will be looking at other individuals who have engaged in the past in sexual activity with girls under the age of 18 for money,' he said. 'The investigation in the fall will focus on other individuals besides Wing Lee.' Eaton also said that police finished viewing all 1,300 videotapes on Tuesday." From an article I read.

"I want to be good??" Rob Dietz

"Yeah, that's the way it is... ...working in a pool hall, some crusty short-order cook bossing you around, calling you 'Hollywood'. All your songs are on the jukebox, but the only thing anyone ever plays is 'White Wedding'. Welcome to hell, kids." Doug3000

"OH MY GOD! THIS ROLLER COASTER GOES SO FUCKING FAST!" Andrew Wagster. Granted, he didn't say that, but I thought it would've been cool.

"ever get random phrases from the musings board stuck in your head? today i kept going around saying, 'drink me, bitches.'" spiraling shape

"I don't feel right, with Sam on my Dew, I think he should be on my beer cans???" Rob Dietz

"last night i had a dream where i was in this cafe/coffee shop and on the menu they had 'tmbg jello salad' the end." Meg F

"it just so happens that the Sugarhill Gang are also recording a childrens album. The next single set for release is going to be called "La Di Da Di (we likes da potty)" Exit Music

"So me and Willy Wonka are in the line, checking out the coaster. It didn't have any loops or anything, but it had all these unreal hills and curves that normally wouldn't be possible. There was nobody at all in line, so we went straight up and boarded. He got in the first car and I got in the second one. Then a whole bunch of people came and filled up the rest. We were going up and down all these huge hills and stuff and Willy Wonka was going "OH MY GOD, THIS ROLLERCOASTR IS SO FUCKING FAST!!!" I'm not kidding." Girkabob

"Hi everyone this is the Nice Geoff writing y'all from Maine. They have computers here. They really do. Here in Maine they eat 'lobsters'" The Nice Geoff


"So... here's my dream... I was sitting at my kitchen table, when i heard a knock at the door, so, i got up, and opened it. and guess who I saw....


IT WAS PEE-MOTHERFUCKIN-WEE HERMAN!!! And he had one of these huge checks that said "A Hundred Gamillion dollars" he said in his Pee-Wee voice "Hah Hah! You've won a Hundred Gamillion dollars!!! And on top of that, we've thrown in a helicopter, a Dodge Viper, and Evrey single CD ever made!!!!

All of a sudden I was lying in bed with a smile on my face thinking "Boy! I can't wait to ride in my helicopter!!! Oh Shit!!! I gotta listen to one of the new CD's I've won!!!! but when I looked at my CD rack, there were no new CD's. so i thought. Aw shit. It was just a dream... 5 minutes later i shot straight out of my bed, and looked out the window, and was overcome with disappointment, as i said, "Ah shit! this means i didn't get my helicopter either" The Mean Geoff

"As the piece went on, the monkey did such hilarious things as steal some bananas off the coffee table and give the husband bunny ears. At this point, more characters entered, including an 18th century bootblack, and Jimmy Sparkles (played by me), a mildly reatrded grown man who wears all white, always speaks through a megaphone, and (at the time of the scene) had just gotten back from seeing the Olympic games in Atlanta. ... Oh, and the final night, my friend Corey and I added a part where we each grabbed a huge-ass flag off of one side of the stage (he took the American flag and I took the state flag), and we ran back and forth across the stage yelling "put your hands together, Wisconsin!" Mike Remiker

"I feel equally bad for all of the fudge-packers in chocolate factories around the world, and the dashing butt-pirates who sail the seven seas as freebooters in search of galleons loaded with rare and expensive cigars. Why must their noble titles be misappropriated?" The Fat Man

"Today, I walked down below the street, and this dog brought up to me, and wondered me for quackers. The dog climbed me and required quackers, but I did not have any, therefore I said 'leaves me alone dog! I do not have quackers'. But The dog very persistent he was. it said, 'Give to me quackers fucking!!' I tried to save me, but the dog hit me on the head with a pipe, and took my wallet. and now I does not have any money." The Mean Geoff

"Sarah Goes to Canada!" - Meenie7. "So? I *went* to Maine." - The Nice Geoff. "So? I *went* to Italy." - Spencer Owen. "So? I *live* in Arkansas." - The Bored Guy. "so? i *went* to my basement! did you guys even *read* the original post? *i* say toronto *and* montreal would have you *all* *beat*." - Michelle LeBlanc. "So? Frankie Goes To Hollywood." - Triangle Man

"Something weird happened the other day. I was riding my scooter around town, and my head exploded." The Mean Geoff

"People under 18 in age shouldn't be allowed to see an animated Middle-Eastern leader in the act of anal-intercourse with the big red horned Satan dude whilst ejaculating sperm from his mouth." Some South Park review

"I'll shove coat hangers and frozen corn dogs into their 'special places'!" Adam Tyner

"Officer! Arrest every black man within a six mile radius! You can sort it out later." James Anders after his restaurant got robbed. (Via Chris Lough)

"Hello Kitty had a tea party today! I drank Japanese tea. We went to Nigger Jon's house after the tea party. There was beer there. We all got really drunk. There were birdies in the park, and we fed them seaweed and bread!!" Keroppi

"Wow, when I was walking over to the computer, I tripped on my damn penis, damn is it long, tripping on the damn thing." Rob Dietz

"I just bought a copy of "Parents Just Don't Understand" on viynl! I don't know if I should listen to it or frame it." The Nice Geoff.

"Leslie Nielsen stars in 'Wrongfully Accused' Hi everyone, I am albert. I represent Jupiter. My friend Sammy has the Oprah/Ellen disease. He is slowly turning in to Oprah Winfrey and Ellen Degeneras. You all can help poor Sammy by purchasing a Spinto Band CD. Thank you all and may P-Funk watch over you tonight." Albert Birney

"What's all this crap about poetry??? Fuck poetry! ... Here's the first verse to my new song called "words"... Bee skee in a mino lino pie / miska liba mino ky / smithy dithy doo dad... wakajawoo / pee pee in a me slap foo cock-a-noodle doo." The Mean Geoff

"Sex isn't better fast." Robert Krulwich

"Isn't it a great board when you can go from discussing Super String Theory to judging the credibility of someone named 'MC Freakazilla'?" Chris Lough


"Here's a fun game to play. Buy a five pound bag of sugar or flour. Then wrap it in clear plastic and bind it with packing or duct tape. Write CHARITY CRACK on it with the biggest black magic marker you can find then place it in your trunk. Now go for a leisurely cruse through your home town anywhere between 12 am and 3 am. Don't brake any laws, in fact before you leave the house make sure your headlights and tail lights work. Just the fact that you are young and out should be enough to get you pulled over. Now if the kindly officer or officers ask to search your car let them. When they find the package in the back seat explain to them that you are in the local church group and that was part of a skit you did on the terrible things drugs can do. They will probably ask you why you are out at such a late hour, tell them you are also an insomniac. Now this is when the real fun begins. Cops (at least in my town) love to bust people with drugs ESPECIALY young people with drugs. So at least two other cruisers will show up. While this is happening never looked worried. Cops love it when you look worried. Eventually one of them will get the bright idea that maybe the guy is telling the truth. Then if you are lucky he will test the so called drugs. Now you are off the hook and you succeeded on pissing of at least one cop...don't you feel better? Also, while this was happening one of your friends can knock over a all night liquor store." HLC

"I feel like such an asshole. I'm sorry, girkabob, for calling you hot, and saying 'Wow! you can see a lot of girk in that picture', and stuff." The Mean Geoff

"Just thought I could say ... Sweet sweet sweet sweet little agony, I don't know just where you've been. Like, don't you understand? I won't fuck, I won't fuck, I won't fucking be your man. I won't take I won't fuck I won't kill I want to love you. I want to fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. And I will fuck you fuck you fuck you if you fuck me. If you fuck me hard. If you fuck me hard hard hard. Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck me hard." The Fatassed Boy and His Masses of Potato Chips from the Topicless Board

"I drew a picture of a cow on the chalkboard and got an A-. It was for my "chalk talk" in speech class. I said like, 5 words, then drew a cow on the board. It was SWEET!!!! The cow looked like a dog." The Mean Geoff.

"I just put something in my mouth, and i don't know what it is!!!!" The Mean Geoff

"I don't know if anyone else sees it... But there's a hiddden message in Skippy's post. It goes like this... Fuck!@ Missouri sucks!" The Mean Geoff

"I saw their video for opus 40 on mtv late at night. Personally, I think they suck, but they're original. but original doesn't mean 'good'. clanging poop together is original, but that doesn't mean it's good, does it? well, actually, i'd buy an album of some guys clanging poop together, but i don't think i'd say it's good... i'd say 'this album sucks, but at least they're original', and i don't know where i'm going with this, so i'd best stop, or else this is gonna turn into a huge essay on poop clanging." The Mean Geoff

"Arvid-o! Lots of choco-late lovin' for the yo-yo! Smokin' lotsa hay for dem ho-ho! Makin' big skrilla with the Bippi-fo'! Chillin', played out like Ninten-do! Van Santin', he be re-directing Psych-o! Shady, won't give me none of dat tac-o! Writin' down dem rhymes wit' a Script-o! I say yo! I say yo! I say... PEACE!" Brandon Deadmonkey

"What's a 'Cladestine'?" Skippy. "LOLOL!!!! Nothing's funnier than making fun of minor typos!!! AWESOME!!!" The Fat Man

"In Sonic the Hedgehog, If you press Up, Down, Left, Left, A, B, C... Then press and hold Up, A, and Start until you hear the 'spa-doing' noise, then go to the sound test screen and play the theme to Green Hill Zone, it makes Ryan Mooney's answering machine catch fire." Jim Boswell

"I'm having sex with happiness? Wow, that's gotta be the best sex ever. Sex with Pure Happiness." Daniel Hersheyfucker as Mike Remiker. Replies The Mean Geoff: "Oh my god! Shoot yourself in the fucking face!!! Don't even talk!"


"Last night I had a dream I was swimming naked in a vat of post-it notes." Flaming Wreck

"I play soccer?" Pablo, the foreign student.

"Watch out Fat Man!!!!! Spencer's gonna kiss you!!!!! Uh oh! SpaghettiO!!!" The Mean Geoff. Oh man!

"Why did the giant cross the road? Because he had to go poop in the toilet!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!! That was a joke I made up in kindergarten. Me and my friends laughed at that joke for about a whole month. I guess it was funny cuz giants poop is funny, and toilets are funny, so a giant poop in a giant toilet would be even funnier, wouldn't it?" The Mean Geoff

"1. one frog mating with a dead frog. 2. one frog mating with a shoe. 3. frogs killing goldfish while trying to mate with them." Michelle LeBlanc's ecology video

"Chris just made it sound so inviting... The phrase 'we're *all* waiting for you' conjured up images of ranks and ranks of sophisticated and urbane wits, just a keystroke or two away...whereas Mike's previous posts conjured up the idea of masturbating in the glow of a computer screen with 'Become a Robot' playing the background. You can understand why I was unsettled." The Fat Man on AIM

"Proof that people don't read my posts." Spencer. "Who are you again?" - The Bored Guy


"Digital Video to 16mm to 35mm = A ching-ching-ching-wong wong." The Nice Geoff

"I want to play the game Redneck Rampage just to know how it feels to be Girk for an hour." Nick Christianson

"I don't even like the simpsons anymore. They started to suck 2 or 3 seasons ago." The Mean Geoff. "i don't get it, i still like the simpsons, it may not have the same spark it used to have but its still one of the best shows on television. *doesn't smoke crack, isn't taught by computers*" Masta Albie

"Favorite Christmas Movies: 1. Predator 2. Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 3. Patch Adams" The Mean Geoff

"Well, not really. *high five*! More dead! Less alive!: The Spinto Band! Providing music to get yo' necrophelia on!" The Nice Geoff

"Maybe If Vinyl Boy was here, We'd have a decent TWIM, but he's gotta be gay about evreything. why does he gotta be a bitch?" Mean Geoff

Easy Fast: *swoons*

lopho: Spencer, you should tell her how you feel

Easy Fast: No, I can't yet

BadVibe2: Is this Kate Blakeslee 2: Dead By Dawn?

"ahhh! i wish my sentences made sense!!!" Mean Geoff


"I HATE people who poop in airplane toilets!~!!! POOP DOESN'T FUCKING BELONG IN AIRPLANE TOILETS!!!! And Disney World SUCKED! Except Islands of Adventure. ALL the rides there ROCKED! And What's up with Ryan Hennessey? Is he still fucking his shit? huh?" Mean Geoff

"Wanna know something that's kinda cool?" Doug3000. "What? You mooma?" Mean Geoff

"That's like my brother's favorite joke being 'Blacks shouldn't mate with Mexicans, 'cause their children would be too lazy to steal.'" Maneki Neko

"Ooh ooh! Wait a minute! I can be offensive, too! So, is that like, Blacks shouldn't mate with Japanese becuase their sons' penises would be to large to have sex with prebuscent girls?" Ken

"i lik eb pi e too, but onliy aple pi" arahh ollans (Sarah Holland)

"The Linux side tingles... That tells me it's working." The Bored Guy

"Mean Geoff. I see we have some snoopy? pass that shit over here man!" Mean Geoff

"Woah!@ Spencer's mad? I thought he could only make goofy faces." Mean Geoff

"When I die... I'm going to have it in my will that I'm to be cut up and put into all of the hors d'ouerves secretly. Then the funeral will be a closed casket one so no one will now that I'm not actually in there... but instead, in their tummies!" Mike Remiker

"On the occasion that I have masturbated thinking of people that I know in real life, I tend to feel very guilty afterwards, as if I took advntage of that person. In a sence, mentally raped them. This tends to be unpleasent, and mentally frustrating. Anybdy else have similair problems?" Deset Gled.

"Why are you always such a pussy? Seriously, you're like a fucking chick. You're all like, "Oh man... I feel so guilty I masturbated about this one girl that I actually know in real life. It's almost like I raped her." Well fuck that! When I masturbate about girls I know, I feel like I beat the shit out of them, fucked them, and threw them out the window. I'm a fucking manly man! not a pussy shit like you. Why don't you just kill yourself, you fucking pansy!" Mean Geoff

"Why is it, that on the Musings board, there is tons of off topic messages, but on the topicless board, there aren't half as many posts?" Moon Shadow

"You know what makes a girl feel better? / A little bit a' gettin' it on!" - Luke 10: 18-19 - from the Nice Geoff


"Well, I have multiple orgasms, too! I just have to y'know... wait a little longer." Ken

"How was everyone's holiday? Good I hope. I hope it was as good as Thanksgiving at the Aragorn house. Turkey tastes so much better when it's served by a homemade robot...." TMBGeorge

"Girk! You haven't said anything funny for like, 3 weeks! And what do you care if you're not in TWIM ever? Do you want Ryan to include evreyone in TWIM? Because if you want him to, you're a ho bag! He can't put something that isn't funny into TWIM. That's like me asking a guy to stick his dick in my ass. Do dicks belong in asses? Fuck no! Do things that aren't funny belong in TWIM? I'm afraid not.

PS:I hope this helps you get through your period.



"I know that you aren't fucking with Guns n Roses. Axl rocks your lame ass." Amber Erceg to Brad Anders

of "The Rock" from that dumb-ass wrestling phenomenon that's going on. These idiots are the ones who took it all too seriously. What, nobody here has seen that dumbass "The Rock" from WWF? I don't watch WWF either, but you can't hardly turn on a television without seeing wrestling or Pokemon! It's not my fault that password protection has produced a paranoid pile of pu**ie*." Ron Ferraro.

"I just don't get rap. I guess it must be because I hate niggers." - The Bored Guy

"Post Count

10:32 p.m.

Of 1090 posts...

Spencer Owen - 112

Seamonkeygirl - 111

kev-boy - 103


Dr. Jeff - 0

What does that say about the society we live in?" - Nice Geoff

"TWIM is a seriously overrated symptom of VinylBoy's passive-aggressive behavior." Ron Ferraro

"What do you guys think of these games for Dreamcast: Power Stone, Soul Calibour, and Toy Commander?" Quantum

"I don't know about them being good games for Dreamcast, but I do know they're all good names for your cock." Amber Erceg


"Man, the year 2000 is gonna be like evrey other year. Except, evreyones's gonna be like, 'Wow! We're in the future!'" Mean Geoff

"I'm going out for some Dom Delouise flavoured ice cream." Jim Boswell

"Rob Dietz is your baby! And you have sex with him!!! Eeeeewww!!!" Ken Moodie to Rebecca

"Piss. I like piss if you please or even monkey fleas, Ive never danced like this, unless I had to piss. I always shine my shoes, even if I have to piss, come see show, this one you cant miss." Shammy Hughes

"Ryan, when I die I want to go to girls' soccer heaven." Colin Graham


"I'm not ready for love making yet, but I will be someday." Faelan Peregrin Aragorn, spokesperson for the Musings Board, 1999.