This Week In Musings

October 30, 1999

Good Bye Everyone! I'm Taking a break from the Board for a while.

On the behalf of Vinyl Boy I compiled a few of the things that I found amusing this week here on the Board. I know I left many things out, but I'm new at this so please bear with me.

KEN: (finishing 40 oz. of Bud Ice) Hey, want to go to your place and try writing some rap? ME: Uh... sure, but I'll have to write a backing track for you quick. I swear to God he was really drinking a 40, too. It was awesome. Michael Remiker

i didn't vote for myself because i'm conceited, i voted for myself cause i am the most beautiful muser Brad Anders (on the Most Beautiful Muser Poll)

She was like "I'm never going to smoke pot" and I was like "I used to say that too when I was 15. Then you grow up and watch the real world crush all your dreams, and you realize that the occasional joint isn't so bad after all." Michael Remiker (to Girk on the subject of marijuana, words to live by)

Does it say something that we all always seem to have the same problems? Do all the kids on the Limp Bizkit message boards have these problems? Michael Remiker (on the subject of social phobia and depression among Musers)

i radiate to you you radiate to me let's start a revolution spread our warm fuzzy disease you make me feel so good i wanna wear dayglo i'm feelin' unicorns and rainbows you make me feel so good i wanna wear dayglo i'm feelin' unicorns and rainbows choose a high-acid wine, whether red or white. just as lemon juice can be used to neutralize the oil in fish, so can wine when serving red wine with fish, choose a young, fruity red when serving red wine with fish, choose a young, fruity red nemo (freestyling?)

PrincDaric: I've never had a girlfriend. PrincDaric: God, I've got to move to Festus. PrincDaric: You got any theatre there?

particleTM: "I'm 100 percent original, and that's what got me here. My rap music is more understandable, slower. It tells a story, you can write a book on each of my thoughts."

Easy Fast: Who is this?

particleTM: -Vanilla Ice

Ok, it's 8:00 and I'm still st work because the blue words are haunting me and I can't leave until they're all gone, but each time I refresh there's more and more blue words and I can never catch up and I'm going crazy and AHHHH! Amber Erceg (our newest addict discovers the continuous march of the evil Blue Hoard)

i missed twim!!!! i would have made it this time too, i hit the bottle on thursday. Sarah Holland (I love you, Sarah)

Maybe If Vinyl Boy was here, We'd have a decent TWIM, but he's gotta be gay about evreything. why does he gotta be a bitch? Mean Geoff (sorry this will have to do)

VB, I will never challenge your Constitutional rights to make nude phone calls. - Spencer Owen

"1. INT. Day. JIM sits at the computer. GAVIN, his co-tenant, enters the room. JIM: I didn't know you died your hair red. GAVIN: I didn't. *wakes up*" Jim Boswell's dream

Easy Fast: He's a nice guy.

Nice Geoff: I thought he called you a faggot.

This is the plan for the Spinto Band to take over all indie rock music in the US. The Spinto Band is a great rock band of young professionals. Other bands look up to them and are envious of their talents. They are almost incapable of failure in making music. Now, to set the spinto revolution intoaction, we will use the Steven Cotter Band as an example. The Steven Cotter Band wants to become successful, but they don't seem to be going anywhere. They dream of making it big one day. Being friends of the Spintos, they make a few songs together and then see how much better the songs are with the Spinto Band than without them. The influence of Masta Albie and Nice Geoff is undeniable. They can take the Steven Cotter band places. Thus, the Steven Cotter Band band members decide to join the Spinto Band members permanently so they can ride their success. The Spinto Band member total is now 10. Now, this joining of band members will have to take place a few more times until 4 or 5 more bands are assimilating into the Spinto Band. Then, the Spintos will be able to flew their real muscle. Since they are the ones with the only real talent (or maybe not, but this is what the assimilated will believe) they will have control over the others and will tell them what to do. The assimilated members will think this is the only road to success. Albert Birney and Thomas Hughes will give the new members under the Spinto Band unbrella name ideas for their songs and pound into their heads the Spinto philosophy. Now, other bands seeing how successful the Spinto collection of bands is becoming (the bands under the Spinto name will continue to perform under their old band name but with the word "Spinto" before it) will have two choices - try to fight the power or join the Spinto Band rock and roll conglomerate. Al B, Thomas, and Nick will run the organization, giving ideas to the spliner bands of the Spintos. The Hobson brothers will enforce the laws and teachings of Al, Thom and Nick. They will wear intimidating black uniforms and and carry guns. Shammy will become the minister of propganda, spreading the Spinto message to other bands - "Join us or you will be defeated." Soon the Spintos will assume power over the majority of indie rock bands in the US. They will change US culture. Once they assume this sort of power and have this much influence, the Spinto band will have control over a subculture of Americans, influencing millions while limiting the ideas of others with many bands under their control. Mike Remiker at a UN conference: "Your children and your children's children will grow up under a Spintoist regime!" WHEREAS, The Spintos will bring about the Spintonic Revolution... WHEREAS, Stanley Kubrick is a god... WHEREAS, people are paid in candy... WHEREAS, The Spinto Band not only become a music industry in itself, but a political, economic, and social policy... vb

Faelan's Sweetheart Contest is now closed. Thank You for your letters of application, support, and comment. We're sorry we could not respond personally to each of you.

"I saw these awesome tits tonight, but my gf won't come over, so I guess I'll have to masturbate." Mike Remiker (the hopeless romantic)

Easy Fast: *swoons*

lopho: Spencer, you should tell her how you feel

Easy Fast: No, I can't yet

BadVibe2: Is this Kate Blakeslee 2: Dead By Dawn?

if we had 9 volt breasts and you put your tounge over both nipples would it sting? Guppy (on the subject of breast and battery sizes)


Ryan, when I die I want to go to Girls Soccer Heaven. - Colin

You can look but you can't touch, John Nicholas