October 23, 1999

MeAn GeOFf'S TWiM!!!%$#@#$

Here are the things that i thought were pretty funny...

"I make really good music, and my music is good. evreyone likes it." -Spencer Owen... Yeah Right Skippy! Nice Joke! HAHAHA!!!

I'm a handsom 15 year old boy. I have Blonde hair, and blue eyes. I can make a woman cum in 20 seconds." -Spencer Owen... Jesus Fuck man! I hope your naked grandma doesn't know about this! *snicker snicker*

Okay, then, do whatever the fuck you want, everyone. -Spencer Owen... Tee hee hee!

It processes you then, I assume. It doesn't tell you what it does. -Spencer Owen... Oh Man! Is there no end to your?

Things I did NOT find amusing at all...

If I arrive at Grand Central, can I take the Orange F line to Delancey St.? Does anyone know where the Bowery Ballroom is from the subway street entrance? -Chris Lough... Not funny at all Lough. Not funny at all...

Maybe If Vinyl Boy was here, We'd have a decent TWIM, but he's gotta be gay about evreything. why does he gotta be a bitch?