This Week In Musings

July 15, 1999

Asked of a waitress: "What's your name?"

Waitress: "We're not supposed to tell people. It's because of that railroad killer."

"actually, i don't.. which is odd, because i'm usually a pretty good observer of things. if you had been the person holding the huge bag of chips ahoy up in the air screaming, 'you guys want some cookies? who wouldn't want cookies?!' then i would remember you right off the bat." spiraling shape

"•Must Jedis wear bathrobes constantly? I kept expecting Liam to say 'Excuse my outfit...I just came here from the space sauna.' ...What's up with the evil Chinese aliens? Granted, space Amos 'n' Andy was bad, but the 'Hah-so, Queen, you will be velly solly to no sign tleaty' was wincingly awful." The Fat Man's "Star Wars" review

"Me, Remiker, Nick, Nice Geoff(who looked like Brandon Deadmonkey), and Vinyl boy, all attended Degrassi Jr. High, and Sarah Holland, Deset Gled, and Brad Anders attended USA High. So... both schools were right across from each other, and there were cannons coming out of all the windows in each school. I was the leader of Degrassi Jr. High, and I was Demanding that Deset Gled, Leader of USA High, To hand over the zoo animals, so we could put them back in the Milwaukee Zoo. But Deset wouldn't give the animals back, so we had to open fire on USA high. Well, We devastated the school, and Deset started to cry. I wanted to stab him with my sword, but the nice geoff said "No! yu can't kill Deset! He's our friend", and all of a sudden, we were all chilling in my crib, watching space ghost: coast to coast." The Mean Geoff's dream

"guy selling the shirts when i asked him if the flying carpet one would ever be available in something smaller than xl: 'eh, how dah fuck would i know?' some random van driver screaming at me as i was waiting for the light to change so i could safely cross the street: 'come on, bitch! what dah hell you waitin' for?' yay chicago!"spiraling shape

"Fuck tha consumers!!! What the fuck do they know??? they're all a bunch of whiney bitches! they ain't shit! they ain't nothing! I'll whupp they ass! me and my posse! we all be whuppin ass tonight!!!" The Mean Geoff kickin' consumer ass

"I'll shove coat hangers and frozen corn dogs into their 'special places'!" Adam Tyner

"It was a bake sale. I didn't sell a single brownie. I even tried to give them away. I was all like ' brownies. Just regular brownies.' And everyone was all like 'What did you do, spit in them?' Why the hell would I want to spit in someone's brownie? That's a waste of brownie!" Deadmonkey

"Officer! Arrest every black man within a six mile radius! You can sort it out later." James Anders after his restaurant got robbed. (Via Chris Lough)

"'The sun is so hot that everything on it is a gas: Aluminum, Copper, Wood, Iron, and many others' 'The heat and light of the sun are caused by the nuclear reactions between estrogen, estrogen, estrogen, and ESTROGEN!'" TMBG via Girkabob

"UC Davis's music deaprtment also offers a history of rock class, so we get to practically wet our pants laughing at the sign-up sheets for reports like 'The Doors: Poets of Our Time' and 'Led Zeplin [sic]: How do they rock so hard?'" The Fat Man

"At first I was expecting a melody and actual music and actual coherent thought, but then I remembered VB made it." Spencer Owen

"I beat up a communist tonight! He was fucking with me at McDonald's, so I took his red Chinese ass down to the ground. We were in McDonald's, this little chinese kid started fucking with me, so I beat the shit out of him TWICE and then we left. The end." Nick Christianson on AIM

"Narcissistic much? I don't think the Second Coming would get this much publicity." The Fat Man talking about Johnny Nicholas

"Now, if Jim Morrison were still alive, I'd stuff drugs down his throat until he OD'ed on his own stuck-up wide-cheeked ego." YardGnome

"There's a rumor going around... A rumor that there's a picture of Doug opening Christmas presents in his little Wagster jammies. If this is true, I will pay Doug 500 dollars to post it. You could buy a whole bunch of Christmas presents with that. Unless you're Jewish. Then you gotta, I dunno, pray to Allah or something." Chris Lough

"Actually, I am Jewish, but I don't practice or anything. In fact, we celebrated Easter when I was younger, and we celebrate Christmas. My whole family does. We're probably all going to hell." Doug3000

"I have had seven thousand three-hundered and five days (as of this thursday) to make something of myself. It seems as though i should have some sophisticated manner to my being, but when it comes down to it, fart jokes are still pretty funny." HLC

"How many frontliners does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Sorry, I can't do that. I'm not 16.

How many afternoon crew does it take to screw in a lightbulb? If I do it, can I leave?

How many closers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? We'll just let the openers do it.

How many openers does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Hey! The closers are supposed to do that type of stuff!

How many drive-thru does it take to screw in a lightbulb? What? You want me to screw in what?" Elliot Harmon

"I was eating at a Burger King with my first girlfriend when I got the Pink Album. I had ordered the tape from Strawberries and in the middle of the meal I asked her if I could quickly go across the street and get it. I ditched her, rushed across four lanes of traffic, bought the tape, then rushed back as she sat all alone in a dark BK booth. I didn't say hello or "thanks for waiting", I just sat down and ripped the case open and read the J-card. Then we walked down to the grocery store and I immediately called my mom to pick me up. I think we broke up a week later. Such was the power of the Johns." Chris Lough


"Ryan, when I die, I want to go to girls' soccer heaven." Colin