This Week In Musings

June 25, 1999

"Is that a Hawaiian shirt?" "Don't start!"

"Im a big shot in a radio station. okay, not a big shot, but im working on it. I only have to sleep with three more people and I get a nickel raise." Rob Dietz

"So me and Willy Wonka are in the line, checking out the coaster. It didn't have any loops or anything, but it had all these unreal hills and curves that normally wouldn't be possible. There was nobody at all in line, so we went straight up and boarded. He got in the first car and I got in the second one. Then a whole bunch of people came and filled up the rest. We were going up and down all these huge hills and stuff and Willy Wonka was going "OH MY GOD, THIS ROLLERCOASTR IS SO FUCKING FAST!!!" I'm not kidding." Girkabob

Alec: Hey, Spencer, are you still awake?

Spencer: Yeah. (pause) Alec?

Alec: Yeah?

Spencer: Did you know that we climbed the climb?

Alec: Huh?

Spencer: You know, the climb... and with the extra... the extra... umm, what? The extra...

Alec: The extra?

Spencer: Yeah, the extra. The add-on... the extra, the add-on... I don't know...I don't know! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know! The extra... (pause) What is...what is-- (pause) --food?

Alec: (laughs) Are you awake?

Spencer: Yes!

Alec: Are you going to remember this conversation in the morning?

Spencer: YES! I'm perfectly awake and I know exactly what I'm talking about! I just can't think of the word! I am completely awake and I can't believe you don't understand me! (turns away) GoodNIGHT! (goes to sleep)

"Hey, you bastards" The Fat Man

"Holy shit! This chicken is fucking delicious! Where the hell did it come from?!" Girkabob. Instant classic.

"There is this girl, Jill. It has a nice rack. It has a hellabeute. It possesses a trampoline. Microphone romancing it in hopes that she eats vanilla pudding with it. Jill asked microphone, which CD Morrissey once which can be bought. This was an intelligent movement, since microphone is rather experienced in this area. Microphone has it during something time exercised and even to the Tibetan liberty concert with their best friend in hopes of counting Jill POINTS went. It functioned and to microphone is a lucky boy!" Katie Wallace

"Ice cream is essential / you are quintessentially the best. / You're frickin' better than the rest. / I love the way your breasts jump off your chest / and poke me in the eye! / Oh, Baby! / You're the girl I want to try to try. / Oh, Baby! / You're the woman I would want to be ... / If I was a woman! / Oh!" John Nicholas

"Which is why a lot of the "Stop" signs say "Stop War" on them. Damn those kids, using our countries beautiful traffic signs as beacons of peace! I'll grind each and every one of them under my corporate heel!" Chris Lough

"GET BUSY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™ Like I the Burger King bathroom. Although i did steal the idea from Humpty. With a capital UMPTY. RAPPERS IN THE TOP TEN? ALLOW ME TO BUMP THEE!!!!" TMBGeorge

"Look What You Did, You Little JERK! You made Girk get pissed... you made her say "shit"." TMBGeorge

"When the quiche was done, we made Slammin' Strawberry Kiwi Kool-Aid and had a fantasic meal." Skittle

""See this Golden Graham, Mr. Bitch Ass DMV man? This is you. Now watch as I DROWN YOU IN FROTHY MILK GOODNESS! And now watch as I DEVOUR YOU! CHEWING and RENDING your insides to unlock your tasty innards! Now prepare for a fast trip down my esophagus for a swim in HYDROCHLORIC ACID! Do you feel the BURN, you pudgy bitch? Oh, just wait, it only gets better after this! Say hello to your pal the BOWEL..." Chris Lough

"...the expected, "what the hell are you doing?" echoed through the car's interior. Her vacant answer: "but 'P' is for pass, right?" Two years later, in the annual 'senior survey' the votes for this brilliant specimen for Worst Female Driver actually beat out the votes for "All of them." Skittle

"That's not my dad. That's Michael Palin. You know, from Monty Python. And it's a cue ball, not a communion wafer. And the capital of Brazil isn't Rio, it's Brasilia! And that's right, Jennifer Love Hewitt, I may have failed to kill you in the first movie, but my revenge isn't over yet!" Ryan Mooney

"Rob!" Rob Dietz

"Hi everyone this is the Nice Geoff writing y'all from Maine. They have computers here. They really do. Here in Maine they eat "lobsters"... Thanks! This is fun being in Maine while other people aren't in Maine!" The Nice Geoff

"OH MY GOD! THAT BRIDGE IS PRETTY LOW! I BETTER LOWER MY HEAD! AAAAAAHH!!! Phew! We made it under the bridge!" Andrew Wagster on the roller coaster

"Follow me to Angus Beef!" A sign on Seth Christenfeld's back

"Ryan, when I die I want to go to girls' soccer heaven." Colin