This Week In Musings

May 28, 1999

Let's pick up that dead squirrel with some gloves and make a 3-man slingshot

"Now that I've made into TWIM... ..I don't know, it feels weird. It's's like I can feel the "loserish" being lifted off of my body. It's like my soul is flying through space at a speed yet to be achieved by any other human or machine. I can feel myself blasting through the galaxy, with the cold space air filling up my lungs with stardust and broken promises. My face is numb, but my body feels as if it is soaking in a bath filled with warm, fresh milk and rose petals. I'm in heaven..." Brandon Deadmonkey

"Here's My Crotch Shot!" Doug3000

"NOTE: I AM NOT BEING PAID FOR THIS. Unless, VB, you want to pay me.

Vinyl Boy, please post the link for Episode 3 again. I need to give it to everyone I know. If you haven't downloaded it, download it. It's amazing. The first time I listened to it, I thought it was just a cool collage. Then I listened again and I started to realize that it has a story, a have to hear it for yourself. VB: The way you used the NewsRadio clip in the beginning was GENIUS! Before I realized it was comedy, it was pretty frightening, the way their voices rose along with the tension of the music....brilliant.

NOTE: VB should be paying me for this." Spencer Owen

"Drugs are good, and when you do them people think that you're cool." Doug3000

"Other bands were in awe of the ghetto-ness and old school quality of our mound of equipment. We had drums and a violin that we found on the street and a garbage bag full of props. As they asked us what kind of music we played, we responded, "Dave Matthews Band Covers.".... I thought they didn't think that someone like Joey Hobson would rock their asses. Joey eventually showed them what a Hobson can do. ....Nick Krill aproached the mic. He then announced, "This song is about two homosexual cats." The audience cheered.....For the next song, a quiet acoustic song, featuring only nick on guitar and vocals, Jeffrey Hobson and I held up the American flag while Albert, Sam, and Joey saluted it....After that was over, the audience applauded and Jeffrey began to kick out the beats for our finale, "Where My Dawgs At?" We got a big response from the audience as Joey sang, "They call me Mojo 'cause I got all the ho's!" The Nice Geoff's concert report

"What is there for Mike in Wisconsin? Cows. We have cows here, but not like in wisconsin. Our cows are cooler. they're all members of the screen actor's guild and appear in commercials for milk..." Katie Remiker

"Why all the giant dildos? Or are those bar graphs meant to be light sabres?" Ryan Mooney

"You two are arguing over which of your state's has the best cheese to attract Mike Remiker. Did you ever, when you were young, imagine you would be in a conversation like that?" Chris Lough

"I love this! I'm writing from my school library. My French teacehr thinks that I'm in the bathroom! Whoo-hoo!" Seth Christenfeld

"No problem... just tell her that you were having "feminine problems"! Voila! Problem solved! Or... perhaps, a quick trip to the school psychiatrist." Doug3000

"my joy was torn into little tiny peices of confetti when i realized that i am a whor with no lines and very little sond and dance." Sarah Holland

"Wnad while you're at it, visit my webpage" Chris Lough

"I have met The Bored Guy before though, he's my brother" James Anders

"i just bought immortality because it was 30% off at my bookstore for having been an staff recommendation (guess who the employee was)." spiraling shape. Smooth.

"i've got new ideas for songs!!!! they are: dirty mexicans,(i think i told you about that one) and "Send the Gooks back to Ireland"."The Mean Geoff. Seriously, how funny is that?

"Highlights included cheerfully dancing with tipsy (never drunken) Germans who were attempting to sing along to Germana and American pop songs from the early '80s and '90s (and some contemporary stuff, too). I have never been so happy as when seeing hundreds of cheerful, massive Germans yelling 'VOOMP! Der eet eez!'. And German rap and hip hop really, really needs to be imported to the US at once." The Fat Man

"I'm doing ok I guess... the head of Lee's guitar fractured my jaw. And I have some nice lacerations on the inside of my well as 7 stitches along my jaw line from the teeny pieces of cut guitar string that stick out from the head of the guitar neck. Maybe if the band gets really popular I can sell that stained t-shirt." TMBGeorge

"You're more of a man than I. If I get hit in the face with a guitar, I'd be on the ground crying. I'd refuse to play, and insist that I be taken to a hospital immediately. And by "taken to a hospital," I mean that everyone else would literally have to carry me out to the car because I'd be too weak to get up. And of course, I'm sure I would faint at the sight of blood." Mike Remiker

""This investigation will continue into the fall when we will be looking at other individuals who have engaged in the past in sexual activity with girls under the age of 18 for money," he said. "The investigation in the fall will focus on other individuals besides Wing Lee." Eaton also said that police finished viewing all 1,300 videotapes on Tuesday." From an article I read. I love that.

"I hop my moom doenst' come inhere, i am drunk, iv never benn drunk on intrmnetn befor.hi all@!!!!!!!!!!!!! senoir party, many fin times, god thie s os is hard tyoping worsse then usual" Sarah Holland. I haven't seen a drunk post like that since The Mike Remiker posts.

"(in a high squeaky voice): Yeah! Trevor's right! The background's hard to read over! (a deep voice): Yeah. (in an Italian accent): Whatsa witha the backaground, bambino? As you can see, a chorus of ventriloquists' dummies agree with me." The Fat Man

"Now, this funny-looking football-shaped thing right here is a uterus." A gym teacher who got stuck teaching Sex Ed, Gary Fenske

"Ryan, when I die I want to go to girls' soccer heaven." Colin Graham. I think this should be in every TWIM even if you don't know who he is.