This Week In Musings

April 3, 1999

This Week In Musings, with your guest host, Mike Remiker

Since VB was in Boston today, he put the task of doing TWIM into my (hopefully) capable hands. I read through the board and hand-picked my personal favorite quotes from the week. These are just my personal favorites, so feel free to add your own.

"You are such a breast contour, Deset Gled" -The Nice Geoff

"I love pants. But not so much since I found out that it's synonymous with the word "crap" in the UK these days. Which pretty much makes me not want to use it as my nickname anymore." -Doug

"Wouldn't it be cool if everyone on the board went on a vacation except for, like, Skippy. And then we'd come back and find Skippy posted 200 times using different person's names from the board each time because he felt lonely?" -Vinyl Boy

"We learn that Spencer Owen had three grandmothers, but he would rather not go into it because it is a very personal story and we all respect his privacy." -The Nice Geoff, summarizing important events of the last week.

"I chopped off my shirt tag for you people! It was eating my neck! You guys can have it to feed it to your roommates! :D" -Maneki Neko, who has, at some point over the last month, completely lost it.

"If a bear dies in the woods, does anyone give a crap? But if a guy gets busy in a Burger King bathroom..the answer is YES." -TMBGeorge

"A haircut is all the change anyone ever needs." -Ken. Absolutley beautiful. I hope it was original and not from a song or something, because I love it.

"I hate all my damn dentists!" -Vinyl Boy

"A butcher? A baker?? A gay porn maker???" -Deadmonkey, perverting a children's rhyme.

"Yes, Happy Passover (but is "Jewz" really a good way to put it?)" -John Nicholas

Rabid Child asked "So, what did we think of 'Futurama'?" to which the Nice Geoff replied "I think some of us with a little bit more class were watching Wrestlmania 15."

"That's going to be my theme for today. Killing people." -Doug

"The only joke I could come up with was when my friend asked me how I was doing I said, 'Very good... Just kidding! April Fool's! I'm terrible!'" -Vinyl Boy

"I told you I want to do a musical about a rash of dead dogs on country roads that makes a small town think they are being taken over by a secret devil worshiping society? And in the end, it's only a retarded (but kindly) humane society employee dumping carcasses instead of burying them?" -DougShow

"have you seen the ghost of Gled? long white bones...(NO SKIN ON!) Its not that bad, actually. Their candy sucked the duck! (thats bad, for all of you who are not 'up' with the current lingo) Where are candy stores, anyway? wwwwwwwwwwww '''m a ssssssssssssssssss." -The Nice Geoff. What the?!?

"I can make a John Nicholas statue made of order of large McDonalds fries, and the best part is that you can actually tell what it is!" -Nick Christianson

John Nicholas said "Ha ha! Sock it to 'em, Bored-o!" to which the Bored Guy simply replied "'Bored-o'?"

"Who is Milton Berle? Is he Rob Paulson?" -The Nice Geoff

"Did you look at my page and masturbate while I was gone?" -Vinyl Boy. I know I did.

"After about 15 minutes, I really felt the need to pee. I believe that the floor which we were on was an all girls floor, so I had to walk up a flight of stairs to find a bathroom. I got lost in the process, though. So I found the closest room which was empty so that I could pee on the wall. I finished peeing when I heard some people walking down the hall, though." -Nick Christianson. It's funny because it's true.

Talking about "Life is Beautiful," Skippy said "It is wonderful film!" to which the Fat Man replied "As you have noted repeatedly." Hee hee.

"2eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?" -The Nice Geoff. Possibly the quote of the month.

The Hungry Bear in the Woods said "Grrrrrrr!!!!!" to which John Nicholas replied "This post is more appropriately titled: 'Grrrrrrr!!!!!: The Revival.'"

"no World War II veterans were harmed in the making of this post...except one...but he was gonna die anyway." -The Nice Geoff

This week also had several language lessons. Among my favorites...

The Nice Geoff's lesson in Spanish:

"Mi hermano es un culo!" - My Brother is an ass!

"Mi hermana es un culo!" - My Sister is an ass!

"Mi Profesor de sillas es un culo" - My chair teacher is an ass!

And nemo's lesson in Drunken Mike Remiker:

"Nicdeecece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" - I love being drunk! Will you make out with me?

"Inke[t saying "is haennessy coming>?" - I am drunk.

I didn't want to put anything in which included myself, but in retrospect, I found this excerpt from a drunken conversation I had with Vinyl Boy humorous:

BadVibe2: Inke[t saying "is haennessy coming>?"
VinylBoy30: That's completely awesome
BadVibe2: And Nick said" :I think so!"
BadVibe2: But we both secretlym knew you weren't

I just like how I say "secretly." Like it was some big secret or something.

And finally, the Nice Geoff's seven steps to how he might meet Christina Ricci:

1.My unlce is getting married

2.My unlce is friends with Sigorny Weaver

3.Sigorney Weaver was in "The Ice Storm"

4.Christina Ricci was in "The Ice Storm"

5.Sigorif3ny Weaver is going to my uncle's wedding

6.Maybe Christina will go!

7.I will make passionate love to her!

OKAY! That's all! I hope my selections were adequate. As I said before, feel free to add your own. Peace... I'm outta here!