This Week In Musings

March 26, 1999

you mean, it's not drug or paint-sniffing related?

"Don't read the above message! It is filled with filth, pornography, blasphemy, and Satanism!" Nick Christianson

"I livin' da life jus' like in "Mo' Money Mo' Problems," x'cept for da part about da problems! Fuck, yo!" MC Freakazilla

"That's because Kathie Lee is an alchoholic. And her husband cheats on her! And Cody is a rotton bastard!" The Nice Geoff

"Anyway, it's by Ryan "Vinyl Boy" Hennessy, and it's about the Special Sock. Is it a true story? Maybe, maybe not. Is it highly innappropriate for the debut of the Guest Column section? Absolutely, but he's the only one who sent me something in time, so there." Mike Remiker

"Chris Lough, Brandon Cooksey, Deb Levison, Laura Damborsa, Michael Guppenger, Brad Anders, Nice Geoff, TMB George, Rob Dietz, Ken Moodie, Shana "Sarah Smith" Carter, Rob Plass, Arabi from the David Bowie message board, Ken Drinkwater, Ryan Hennssey, Leo Bicknell, Nick Christianson, Megan Kempeneer, and even more!!!!!!! EVEN MORE!!!!" Mike's drunken "Names?" post

"Then I'm at the concert but on the side of the stage behind this like, fence made of pipes. I remember thinking "Man, Flans looks hot!" and Linnell had this big huge fro of curly hair. I yelled out "ACCORDIAN PLAYERS ROCK!" and he gave me a thumbs up sign." Meg F.

"EVERY SINGLE MESSAGE ON THIS BOARD IS NEW TO ME! except that one that i just read..well and the other..okay so i lied...stalk m-i mean um, no theres nothing good i could possibly write there..." Michelle LeBlanc

"DIE MEXICANS DIE!" Nick's friend Jeff

"Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, Dan, why are you making this so complicated? Why, Dan? why do you gotta be so tough? You always gotta come out on top, don't you? Huh? You and Darren, working in cahoots. I don't know, Dan. I don't know. I don't know, Dan. I don't know. I don't know." Mike's drunk message by Skippy

"I think it was the lyrics to some song Mike was going to put on his Goodb- uh,nevermind." The Bored Guy on Mike's drunk message

"That was the highlight. I got to lead a tram full of W-PROZAK listeners who wanted to see me and spend the day at Universal Studios. I led "Chernobyl: They're Next The Roller Coaster," and "Mr. Burns Is Not A Joke."It was SO awesome! I gave a tram tour, too, and it would have been fun if people weren't slowly dissolving into a primordial ooze! I am still overwhelmed and this was September of last year. I made pretty good quips, too, like: "Hey, melty," and "Hey, Green-Guy, you sea-sick?" John Nicholas

"'And when I'm pulling a gig I just can't help myself, I'm acting like an animal. Now here's my scandal.' -Paul, age 5" Mike Remiker

"How did you know I was a 'wall to wall' kind of gal?? What the heck does that mean anyhow???!!! I feel so special that you included me, now I have a nickname, now I have friends, now I have a place where I belong, a place I can call home, people who love me, a real family!!!!!!!! God bless you all!!! God save the queen!! God save the Johns!!!!! I love you all!!!" Elizabeth Porter

"I can't believe I won. What should I do? Masturbate like a lab monkey with testosterone injected into? Fine. I will." Nikolai Kristov!

"Please pardon my absence. I am in heaven now with John-Benet Ramsey... Be back in one week." Nick Christianson

"Hahaha! My Clock must be fast!" The Nice Geoff

"BOTTOM LINE: A+++" John Nicholas' review of Ask Roberto Benigni

"*John Nicholas: 1992-1999*" Nick Christianson

"Don't listen to him folks! A fed bear is a dead bear! When people do not store their food and garbage properly, a bear will quickly learn that this is an easy meal. Once a bear has become habituated to human food, it loses it's fear of humans. Bears that seek food at campsites may be removed from the area or destroyed. The bear in this photograph was shot and killed after it entered a camp where food and garbage were improperly stored. You can prevent scenes like this from happening by storing food and garbage correctly while camping." The Park Ranger