This Week In Musings

March 19, 1999

"But what will become of my shoes!?"

"I love eating the still-beating heart of a virgin!" Nick Christianson

I have the results of my February exams, and I havenīt passed anyone!!! ...Does anyone know what can I do??? (Donīt worry, I am not going to suicide)" Borja Ferrer

"Come back when you break a real appendage you pussy!" HLC

"So we went on It's a SMall world right before the park was about to close, we were the only two people on the whole ride, empty boats ahead, empty bots behind. ANd you know what? You have to be *insane* to get busy on It's a Small World." Ken

"sir mix-a-lot thumps in the night" part of my abstract poem

"I think Skippy probably learned a lot more from VB's very straightforward trashing of his poem (if it could be called such) than from endless hours of patient encouragement from people who are too polite to say otherwise." The Fat Man. I love you

"I think VinylBoy's response was much more thoughtful than you give it credit. First, he was honest enough to give a very straightforward appraisal of what the work meant to him- nothing. Next, he illustrated *why* he disliked it by going to the trouble of constructing an equally formless poem (obviously no trouble at all, really- which was the problem in the first place)." The Fat Man. I really, truly, whole-heartedly, want to give you oral sex

"His name is Jeff Niedziejko!" Nick Christianson

"My cat LOVES that stuff!" nemo

"hee hee!" SuperDeborah

"Half the time he doesn't even know where he is. Here, watch. Me: 'Okay VB, where are you?' VB: 'Uh, donut?'" Chris Lough

"Must we turn to violence? Really, can't we just settle our differences with words? Don't make me come over there. I'm serious! Oh? Oh, is that what you think? Get over here you little faggot! I'll smack the faggot shit out of you!" Me

Me: "What college are you at?" The Bored Guy: "The University of Not Ending Your Sentences with a Prepostion." Me: "I'm sorry, What college IS you at?"

"I was the coolest naked 5 year old on the block." Girkabob

"It died thought because It sucked! It popped up every 5 seconds wanting food! What a piece of crap!" The Nice Geoff!

"Ugh. Mouth. Blah. Stuff. Yech. Die." nemo

".. because YOU'RE not the bestest baby gerbil boy in the world! But Mumsy has a special place in her heart for you, too, yes, yes Mumsy does! Now come, rest your head on Mumsy's bosom, you good VinylBabyKittyBoy!" nemo.

"Are you guys going to the GIG?" John Linnell

"Where's the bloody lunches... WHERE'S THE BLOODY LUNCHES! ... Now my brain hurts, too." John Cleese as Gumby Doctor

"Stop trying to confuse me with half-truths and gorilla dust!" Phil Hartman

"Meezle beezle bazzle razzle!" Bill Cosby

"It looks like candy... I wonder if it tastes like candy...." Willie Nelson