This Week In Musings

February 12, 1999

"Have you ever heard christian rock? Hit demo on any Casio key board and you will. " HLC

"Well, I'm headless, but that shouldn't scare you. " Seth

"Clea: So what show are we going to see?

Mike: I dunno, maybe... THE PIXIES!

Clea: Wow! I love the Pixies!

Mike: Really? I didn't know that. They're one of my favorites too! What a coincidence!

Clea: You LIAR!

Mike: Uhh, ummm, What do you mean?

Clea: You knew I liked them didn't you?!?!? You'reone of those crazy freakiod stalker types! I *know* guys like you.....

Mike: I don't know what you're talking about! Really! I've never seen your site on the internet or used your picture to wallpaper my room or followed you around and sat at a nearby tabe in your

favorite coffe shop, 'Cafe News' or.....uhhh....what I mean is.....

Clea: *blam*! (Hits Mike squarely across the jaw. )

Our poor hero is left sprawled on the ground, hand to his face covering the growing imprint of Clea's fist. Clea lets out a long sigh, and walks away. Our hero tries one last time, straining as he addresses Clea's back...

Mike: *spuuters* But Clea, " Fake Remiker/Duvall conversation by Crazy.

4-Lom said "I hear you guys are talking about me...If you've got something to say, say it to my face." to which Deborah replied "Aaaaaahhh!"

"To all the pop-tarts I have been eating.... I'm not done yet " The Bored Guy

"I used to love them, but once I was eating them while watching TV or something, and I absentmindedly pulled out what was just a huge chunk of that flavoring that's on the crackers and ate it. I just about barfed. And I haven't touched one since. I actually had to get my friend Andy to eat the rest of the box. " Mike Remiker's Most Beautiful Story Ever Told

"ZI am so hunfry! For tacos right now!" Mike Remiker

"HElllo! JHi all musers! Iyt's time ot talk? Is it? I am bored and I want to rtalkto someone!" Mike Remiker. That's the most drunken typing I've ever seen.

"I wanna blow up the guest! I WANNA BLOW UP THE GUEST!" Bill Cosby