This Week In Musings

January 8, 1999


"There was a live audience, and the set was made to be a boiler room in this guys apartment complex. So there were kids hanging all over the place from pipes and shit. "- TMBGeorge talking about Steampipe Alley.

Ryan Mooney said, "Hey dave! So what have you been up to lately?" to which Mazz replied, "Heroin, mostly."

"Time for your medication, Mr VinylBoy... ...that's it, come on, back to your room with the soft walls... the nice men are waiting to give you one of those pills... " Triangle Man on Ice

"Thanks to Air Canada (motto: "Where all the stewardesses look like Dave Foley in drag"), I got the pleasure of watching "Bud du Vent", or whatever "Air Bud" is in Quebecois french. Essentially, lots of "Mais il est un chien!" "Il n'est rien des regulations qui dissent qu'un chien ne peut pas jouer de basket!" "Ouef, ouef!" - The Fat Man

"Oh my god! Winged Bears!? It's the Endtimes!" Doug2000

"I'm proud to admit that I actually own every Gun's N' Roses album ever" Bored Guy

"And he was like "Well..." And I was like "Dude." And the thing was like "sssshcchhhhhhhh" And I was like "D-d-d-dude." And he was like "Ah no!" And I was like "Out!" And the thing was all "KEEEERGGOOOOOSH! POWWWRKOOOWW!" And the guy was all "Nooooo!" And I was like "Man!" And all the people were like "no-no-no-no-oh nooooo!" " my favorite Me post

"I'm going to buy a plane ticket, fly over to whatever state you live in and KICK YOUR ASS!!" Doug2000

"It's a buttload of a New Year!" Deadmonkey

"You know Doug, you are *so* right. Those snippety orphans don't know how good they have it. I'd like to punch them in the head." Chris Lough

"Get it on, like Donkey Kong!!!" Arvid Engen

"Rock me raw!" Michael Remiker

"Don't make ME rock you raw!" Nick Christianson

"Would ONE of you just rock me like a hurricane for once?" Doug2000

"I'd kill my own mom for a Mike Remiker calender!" Chris Lough

"John Linnell is the only man who understands me!" Ray LeBlanc said this one I think

"Anyway, around the time SteamPipe Alley was on. I was a freshman in High School. So, in my Biology class it so happened that one of the nerdiest kids happened to be absent one day. So, the teacher asks where "Matt" is. And his lab partner blabs that he took the day off to go to a taping of "SteamPipe Alley". And the next day, the kid comes in wearing the stupid purple T-Shirt. Keep in mind the show is mostly for 9-12 year olds. He swears he only went on with his 10 year old sister for the "Free Ice Cream". Anyway, he was harrased for years about it until prom night when we fixed the Prom King voting and when he went up to accept we dumped a bucket of Ice Cream on him and he went on that murder spree................ " TMBGeorge